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Premier Residential Fencing in the Chicagoland Area

We Have Professional Fencing Solutions You Can Count On

Paramount Fence has more than half a century of combined experience in commercial, residential, and industrial fencing solutions. Our team of licensed, certified salespeople and professional installers are fully equipped to take on any fencing project and can walk you through every step of the process. We pride ourselves on honesty, choice, and providing the highest level of customer care possible.

Below, we have answered some of the most frequently asked questions we get about our materials and fencing installation services. Call us today for more information about our professional fencing services or to schedule a free on-site estimate!

We are proud to present a wide variety of fences for our customers. At Paramount Fence, we understand the importance of variety and the use of the highest quality materials. From beautiful wood fences to essential durable chain-link, we can help you find the perfect fence for your home or business. We offer:


Wood fences are great for homeowners who want something attractive, but natural-looking and rustic. Depending on what style you choose, your fence will either provide total privacy, such as a solid wood fence where the boards almost touch, or a spaced picket design that gives you an open feeling while securing your yard.


We provide all customers with a lifetime manufacturers’ warranty when we install decorative ornamental fences. Ornamental aluminum and steel fences and gates are maintenance-free and look beautiful. More importantly, they last a lifetime.

PVC / Vinyl

If you want your fence to look a little more upscale than wood, PVC is a great option. These low-maintenance fences have a long lifespan and look great. You can quickly obtain the “white picket fence” of your dreams with a PVC/Vinyl fence installation.

Chain Link

Chain link fences are known for being durable and low maintenance. They also provide plenty of protection and keep children and pets in the yard. For low maintenance conscious homeowners, a chain link fence is usually the best option.


We know how crucial security is to commercial property owners. Our line of long-lasting commercial/industrial fencing will guard you against intruders and protect your investment.

Our friendly and knowledgeable fence salespeople offer free on-site estimates so you can get a better idea of the cost of your desired fence installation project. How much your project costs will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of the property and materials used. When you meet with a salesperson, they will go over your specific fencing needs to calculate an exact estimate for the total project.

It can be difficult to decide which fence type is best for your individualized needs, as well as the needs of your property, but our salespeople can help point you in the right direction when it comes to selecting the best materials for the job.


Wood is a traditional fencing material that will provide you with a rustic appearance in your yard. Additionally, wood fences are very aesthetically-pleasing and add value to your home. However, homeowners should understand that owning a wood fence may require some maintenance. We recommend using cedar for your fence because it deters insects from the natural oils found in the wood and is naturally resistant to rot and decay.


The ornamental fences we offer include aluminum and steel. Those who order an ornamental fence can rely on several benefits, including cost, strength, attractiveness, and resistance to rust. Ornamental aluminum and steel fences are great because they’re maintenance-free and beautify any property.

PVC / Vinyl

PVC/Vinyl fencing offers several attractive benefits, and it’s very low maintenance. PVC/Vinyl fences enhance your property and provide you with more privacy than some other fencing options can. 

Chain Link

Chain Link fences provide a fantastic level of protection and property division while keeping that open feeling. Individuals who need to keep children and pets contained within their yards will love chain link fences.

We are proud to serve clients throughout the Chicagoland area. Our reach extends into the towns and cities that make up the Chicagoland suburbs. You can find evidence of Paramount Fence’s superior work in Kane, DuPage, Kendall, Dekalb, McHenry, and parts of Cook, Will, and Lake counties. Both residential and commercial clients have entrusted us with securing and beautifying their properties. 

The type of fence, length, and site conditions all contribute to how long it will take your fence to be installed. Typically, an average job takes one to three days for most fences installed by the professionals at Paramount Fence.

Wooden fences typically last 15-20 years depending on several factors, including the moisture content in the ground, how much sun exposure it gets, and what kind of wood is used. Maintaining your wood fence will help it last as long as possible.

Yes, all fence posts should have a concrete foundation around them to ensure they’re securely in the ground.

You don’t need to have your wood fence stained, but it helps with aesthetics over time. Unstained fences typically turn gray from sun exposure and experience natural wear and tear from the elements.

Call Paramount Fence Today for a Free Estimate

Count on the experts at Paramount Fence in Greater Chicago, IL for the installation experience you deserve and let us be your go-to fence company for life. Our salespeople and installers have more than half a century of combined experience and will always work closely with you to provide a strong, stunning fence that stands the test of time. Call us today to learn more about our fencing services or to schedule your free on-site estimate.

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