Things to Consider When Getting a Fence for Your Big Dog

If you’ve got a big dog, your furry friend’s boundless vitality probably necessitates containment. A fenced-in yard is a good solution because it gives dogs a place to safely chase squirrels and run off some of that energy. The challenge, of course, is to find a fence that fits your aesthetic sensibilities while doing the job of keeping your dog in the yard. Think carefully when you’re choosing a fence, considering these five factors.
- The fence needs to be tall enough to contain a jumper. Big dogs are strong dogs, and many of them are champion high-jumpers! A four-foot fence is not going to contain your Husky, Golden Retriever or Labrador if he really wants to get over it, but six feet is usually sufficient. Don’t make the mistake of adding extensions to gradually make your fence higher, because your dog will learn to jump higher each time you add another extension. The best thing to do is to take down a too-short fence and install a taller fence all at once. Remember, too, that it pays to invest in high-quality materials, like sturdy wood, vinyl, or composite materials, because cheaper, lower-end materials won’t stand up to the punishment a big dog can dish out in terms of charging and chewing.
- Choose a fence that’s impossible to climb. If jumping the fence is not successful, your dog may attempt to climb it. Chain link fences are easy to climb, so they’re a bad idea if you have a big dog. It’s better to choose a solid panel, climb-proof fence, and be careful not to place anything near it that can provide a foothold, like lawn furniture or a birdbath.
- Consider a privacy fence to block your dog’s view. Your dog probably doesn’t care about privacy, but you should care about a fence that keeps him from seeing things on the other side. Dogs stay calmer when they can’t see other dogs, people, and animals, and when they’re hidden behind a privacy fence, they won’t distract other dogs who are taking walks, inciting them to bark.
- Think twice before choosing an invisible fence. An invisible or electric fence may be your only option if local ordinances prevent the installation of a high fence. However, invisible fences won’t keep your dog calm, and can actually worsen behavioral problems in dogs who don’t cope well with being shocked every time they cross the invisible line.
- Give your dog reasons to want to stay in the yard. A good fence can keep your big dog safe, but it won’t prevent him from being bored and restless. Even if your yard is large and fenced, it’s still important to take your big dog on regular walks so he doesn’t feel cooped up. It’s also a good idea to create a dog-friendly yard, with toys to play with, interesting things to do, and somewhere to get out of the sun.
If you need a new fence to keep your best friend safe, call Paramount Fence for professional installation. At Paramount, we’ve been in business for over ten years, but our combined experience in the fence industry spans more than half a century! We’re a full- service fence sales and fence installation business in the Chicagoland area, and we’re dedicated to providing creative and affordable solutions that address our clients’ needs and fulfill their requests. Our staff offers exceptional customer service, striving to exceed your expectations throughout the fence buying and fence installation process. We provide high-quality, beautiful fences, and our reputation for excellence is well-established. Paramount Fence is a member of the American Fence Association and a registered member of the Better Business Bureau. For more information on how we can help you find the right fence to meet your needs, call us at 630-239-2714 or contact us through our website.