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Premier Fencing Installation in the Chicagoland Area

Our Professional Fence Installation Process

When it comes to having fencing installed on your residential, commercial, or industrial property, you want a fence installation company that goes above and beyond for its customers. From professional residential fencing installation to a wide array of other fencing services, you can trust in the experts at Paramount Fence to deliver the highest quality craftsmanship and materials. Our locally owned and operated company has helped thousands of homeowners in the Greater Chicago, IL area, including Kane, DuPage, Kendall, Dekalb, McHenry, and parts of Cook, Will, and Lake Counties.

If you’re thinking of installing a high-quality fence on your residential or commercial property, give us a call first, and we can walk you through each step of the process. Our company offers several exceptional fencing solutions, and we pride ourselves on honesty, choice, and unparalleled customer care. Contact us today for your free on-site estimate!

Our Expert Team Installs Several Types of Fencing

Image of a wooden fence installed in the commercial area of Chicagoland Suburbs, IL

Let us walk you through our efficient, streamlined fence installation process for residential and commercial properties and show you the difference you get working with Paramount Fence:

  • Free On-Site Estimate: Once you’ve scheduled your free on-site estimate, we’ll come to your property and complete an assessment that works with your schedule. Our salespeople will walk you through all your fencing options and discuss the materials, height, and purpose of your installation. Our team will make helpful recommendations based on your budget, unique style, and individualized needs.
  • Measurements: Measuring your property thoroughly and accurately is a crucial step during the estimate process. Our team of salespeople not only measures the area of your property but they check for any factors that determine deviations or changes, including slopes, corners, trees, and outcroppings. We discuss all these modifications with you and how they will impact your layout overall.
  • Down Payment: Once the measurements for your personalized fencing installation are complete, we’ll calculate an estimate normally, that same day. After you have agreed to the estimate, you will sign a contract and put a down payment on the project. After we receive a down payment and permit number (can be called in after signing contract) from you, we can save your tentative, weather permitting space in our work schedule.
  • Pre-Installation: Before our installation team breaks ground to start digging, our company contacts JULIE (which is the law), who marks and clears all utilities from the area with visible flags and spray paint. We take care of all these steps for you as a part of our service promise to you to make things easier.
  • Installation: Once all the paperwork has been completed, utilities are marked, permits have been approved for the installation, and Homeowner’s Association approval has been obtained (if necessary), the installation process can begin. Depending on the size of your property and the scope of the project, most installations by Paramount Fence take one to three days.

We carefully install all fencing in a timely, efficient manner, and our installation team uses only the highest quality materials for your project. Once installation is complete, we’ll haul away any old fencing materials and dirt if this is included in your signed contract.

Wooden Fences

The Benefits of Professional Fence Installation Services

From ensuring your property is secure to enhancing the visual aesthetics of your yard, there are several benefits to having a fence installed by a team of professionals. From security for your property to increasing your home’s curb appeal, there are several benefits to having a state-of-the-art fence installed. We offer a wide range of fencing solutions for most projects you have in mind, and our team of salespeople can help you select the best one for your property, as well as your budget. Homeowners and business owners choose us for expert fence installation because we have:

Why Choose Paramount Fence for Fencing Installation?

Your fence provides protection for your loved ones and employees, enhances the look of your property, and adds value to your home. Talk to the experts at Paramount Fence in Greater Chicago, IL for the installation experience you deserve, and let us be your go-to fence company for life. Our team of salespeople and installers have more than half a century of combined experience to ensure you have a stunning, durable fence that lasts for years to come. Call us today to speak with a member of our team to schedule your free on-site estimate!

Find a Fencing Solution to Fit Your Budget