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Quality PVC / Vinyl Fence Installation in Illinois

As a homeowner, you want a fence that provides security and is durable enough to last. Here at Paramount Fence, we have the products to deliver that solution. For many homeowners, PVC / vinyl fencing can be an excellent option. This material is strong and weather-resistant, so you can trust it to protect your yard for years to come. The quality of these fences also comes at an affordable price, so you can invest in security without breaking the bank.

With over 100 years of combined experience, our professionals are here to help you select the right product for your home and provide high-quality PVC / vinyl fence installation. Once your fence is installed, you can expect it to last. Come wind and rain, our PVC / vinyl products stand strong.

To fit your style, Paramount Fence offers a variety of fencing products. We will work with you to select fencing that best fits your style. With our PVC / vinyl products, you can get the white picket fence you have always dreamed of without the maintenance.

solid white pvc fence

Vinyl Fencing Styles for Every Yard

Our team at Paramount Fence has worked to design beautiful fencing options to fit your home style. Whether you are looking for complete privacy or a semi-private style, we have a fence that will work for you. All of these fences and more are available for installation. Our qualified team of fencing professionals are happy to help you find the fence of your dreams that is customizable to your yard. The following are some of our most popular styles.

PVC Tan Solid Tongue & Groove

Solid Tongue & Groove

This classic style of PVC / Vinyl fencing offers privacy as well as beauty to your yard. A solid tongue and groove fence is a wonderful backdrop for all of your landscaping and plantings.

Scalloped Picket fence installed by Paramount Fence in Chicagoland Suburbs, IL

Scalloped Picket

This fencing style adds some decorative elements to the classic fencing style. This look brings a playful touch to any yard.

PVC White Dogeared Picket

Spaced Picket

This PVC/Vinyl fence is the classic style that comes to mind when you hear the phrase, “white picket fence”. Enjoy this beautiful style and color of fence for years to come without having to worry about maintaining it.

PVC / Vinyl fence

Solid With Lattice

By selecting this style, you can enjoy the privacy and security of a solid fence without sacrificing style. The decorative lattice at the top of the fence brings elegance into your yard without overpowering the rest of your home’s exterior.

The PVC White Solid with Spindles fence from PARAMOUNT FENCE at Batavia, IL

Solid With Spindles

Similar to the lattice style, a solid fence with spindles has a solid bottom portion and spindles at the top. This offers a glimpse into your yard while still maintaining privacy.

PVC Split Rail

Split Rail

The split rail gives a classic look to any yard. This simple fencing design will create a barrier without blocking your yard from your neighbors. This can be great for homeowners with a large piece of land.

FAQs about Vinyl and PVC Fence Installation

Are all PVC/vinyl fences the same?

As you can see here, you can choose from many styles and designs of different PVC/vinyl fencing options. There are also different quality PVC and vinyl materials that you can choose from, which will heavily affect the longevity and durability of your fence. Higher quality options, such as pure vinyl fences, are much more durable. These fences will last many years to come. Check out our incredible PVC fence options at Paramount Fence in Batavia, IL.

Will vinyl break?

While vinyl fences are incredibly strong and durable, some circumstances can cause the vinyl fencing to break. If the fence is impacted by hard direct impacts, such as from a horse, rock, or automobile, it could cause a crack or break. Under normal circumstances, such as weather and wind, your vinyl fencing will last for a long time. If you experience a break or crack, call our team at Paramount Fence. We can easily provide you an estimate to repair or replace broken parts of the overall fence.

How do you clean the fence?

One benefit that vinyl fencing provides is easy maintenance and cleaning. Fences naturally accumulate dirt, grime, and other debris from being outside and constantly exposed to the elements. With our PVC fences, you can use mild detergent and water to remove any lingering dirt. If there is a tough stain or mark on your fence, you can use Soft Scrub or baking soda mix to scrub away the extra stubborn dirt. Simply cleaning lets you easily return your fence to its beautiful original condition.

Do you cement the vinyl posts?

Our team at Paramount Fence cements all of our fences for increased durability and longevity. For improved durability, we use a pre-mixed wet concrete mix to set the fence posts. With the proper PVC fence installation, your fence can withstand many hazards and dangers without significant damage. Contact our fence company today to learn more about how we can help.

An Investment in Your Future

By purchasing a PVC / vinyl fence with Paramount Fence, you are committing to your home’s future. This material is built to last. It withstands age and weather without maintenance. This makes it an excellent option for busy homeowners looking for a durable solution.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a free estimate, you can contact Paramount Fence at 630-406-8410, or you can send a request by email to You can also fill out the form on this page and one of our experienced representatives will get back to you shortly.

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