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Wood Fence Installation in Illinois

Few home features are as classic as wooden fences. Here at Paramount Fence, we create elegant wooden fences to fit your home’s style. With over 50 years of combined experience, we know what it takes to create a fence that elevates and protects a home. We design, manufacture, and sell our fences to our valued customers all over the Chicagoland suburbs in Illinois, so you can expect quality every time. Our cedar wood fences are made to last, naturally resisting rot and decay.

With a variety of styles available, our team is happy to help you select a fence that perfectly fits your needs. The result will be a strong wooden fence that adds to your home’s curb appeal.

Solid Arched Wood Fence

Solid Wooden Fences

Solid wooden fences are some of the most secure wooden designs we create. We create these fences to have boards that almost touch, offering optimal privacy for you and your family. For complete privacy, Board on Batten wood fences is the best option as they do not have any small gaps between boards. These fences are a great option for families with children and pets, as they completely enclose the yard. Our solid fences are available in the following styles:

  • Solid scalloped
  • Solid arched
  • Solid board on batten
    • (Completely solid, can be arched, scalloped, or with a capper board)
  • Solid dog ear
Shadowbox Dogear with Lantern Posts

Shadowbox Wooden Fences

Similarly, wood shadowbox fences also offer high levels of security and privacy. We design these fences with alternating layers of boards, creating depth and design while still sealing your yard. These fences are an attractive option for backyards and are also called the “good neighbor fence” because they look the same on both sides. They are available in the following designs:

  • Shadowbox dog ear
  • Shadowbox scalloped
  • Shadowbox arched
  • Shadowbox with capper board
Wooden Picket Fence installed in the garden by Paramount Fence in Chicagoland Suburbs, IL

Wooden Picket Fences

Wood picket fences are an American classic and an elegant way to add charm to your house. The team at Paramount Fence puts thought into each picket fence design, creating innovative twists on classic designs. Whether you prefer a more traditional look or French gothic posts, we have a fence that creates the look you want. Wood picket fences are a great option for front and back yards. Our wooden picket fences are available in these unique styles:

  • Traditional spaced picket
  • Spaced picket dog ear
  • Spaced picket arched
  • Spaced picket scalloped
  • Spaced picket flat top
Solid with Lattice Top WRC

Wooden Traditional Fences

For our customers looking for a simple and classic look, our wooden traditional designs are a great option. These fences look the same on the outside and inside of the fence, which fits well with any home style. Whether you prefer the simple solid or spaced styles, or a design with a decorative lattice, our professionals can work with you to select your dream fence. Homeowners interested in our traditional options should consider these designs:

  • Spaced picket traditional
  • Traditional solid
  • Traditional with lattice
  • Traditional solid with arbor
  • Traditional solid with vertical lattice
  • Split Rail Fence

FAQs About Wood Fences

Why should I choose a wood fence?

Choosing a wood fence for your property comes with several compelling advantages. Wood fences exude a classic and natural beauty that adds a timeless appeal to any landscape. With a wide range of styles available, wood fences offer versatility and the ability to customize the look to suit your preferences and property’s architecture. Moreover, wood is a renewable resource, making it an environmentally friendly option, and when properly maintained, wood fences can withstand the test of time, providing both privacy and security for your home. Overall, a wood fence offers a winning combination of aesthetics, flexibility, and sustainability, making it an excellent choice for homeowners looking to enhance their outdoor spaces.

What maintenance is required?

A wood fence has certain maintenance requirements to ensure that the fence lasts for many years to come. Compared to metal or vinyl fences, they require more maintenance because of their aversion to moisture. Our Western Red Cedar fences, however, boast natural resistance to rot and decay, setting them apart from other wood options. WRC wood exhibits minimal warping and twisting tendencies, ensuring long-lasting durability. While staining and sealing can help preserve the fence’s fresh appearance, it is not mandatory to maintain the wood’s structural integrity. Thanks to the inherent qualities of Western Red Cedar, you can enjoy a stunning and enduring fence without the need for extensive maintenance.

Is cedar still my best choice for wood fencing?

Cedar is undoubtedly one of the best choices for fencing due to its exceptional qualities. Its natural aromatic oils act as a repellent to insects, reducing the risk of pest infestations. Additionally, cedar’s inherent rot-resistant properties ensure that the fence will endure for an extended period, making it a durable investment. While cedar is attractive and reasonably priced, alternatives like cypress and pine also offer excellent options for long-lasting and resilient fencing solutions. Their durability and affordability make them great alternatives for homeowners seeking reliable and visually appealing fencing materials.

Are treated materials safe for my family and pets?

Our team at Paramount Fence is passionate about providing our customers with the best options for quality fencing. What we care about even more, though, is the safety of our customers. This is why we use safe treatment materials for your family and pets. Our pressure treated wooden materials are industry-approved ACQ-treated materials. We also avoid using any CCA (Cooper Chromate Arsenic) materials. Please ask us if you have any questions about specific products we will use on your fencing. We can provide you with detailed information on every product we use.


Are wood fences hard to fix?

One of the incredible benefits of wood fences is the ease of fixing and repairing the fence. Other fence types can be much more difficult to repair as they require large sections of the fence to be removed. Wooden fences, however, are built piece by piece, meaning they can be removed piece by piece. If one spot is rotted, you don’t have to remove the whole side. That one piece can be removed and replaced. This also means that repairs are less expensive for wooden fences because there is less labor and not as much new material needed.

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